We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Painting Blank Pages - Deborah DeWit
The last decade brought great challenges to my life. There were pages written about the loss of loved ones and the sadness this brought my life. There were physical challenges, family challenges and financial challenges. Many pages were written with tears this past decade. However there were also pages of travel to new places and new friends and new career paths. Many exciting opportunities came my way and many happy memories were made
Now a whole new year and a new decade begins. I like imagining this as blank pages to be filled with new adventures, new ideas, new friends and maybe even new family members. I dream of new pictures just waiting to be taken. I see the book filling up.We can never be sure of what will be written in our books from month to month or year to year. However, one thing the last decade has taught me is that I can choose how I respond to the various chapters in my life. I can decide if I am going to let the bad times destroy the good times. I can not control the pages in the book, but I can decide how I will let them affect the rest of my life.
What will your book be filled with this coming year? Will you set out to create new pages or will you let life fill them in for you?
Have a wonderful adventure filled New Year and a decade filled with great chapters.
Happy New Year