Life is funny. It seems as though it is always a case of all or nothing. Either everything is happening at once or nothing is happening it seems. I seem to have been assaulted with things happening and things to come.
The week has started with the MS Walk which, while always an exciting day, is also filled with stress. The walk always seems to remind me that someone I love has this illness and as a mother always wanting to stop their child's hurt I become obsessed with finding a cure for this illness. To that end I have been given the opportunity to set up a permanent fund raising event here in Delta. Both Guy Gentner, NDP MLA for this area and Lois Jackson the Mayor have offered to support this endevour. They have offered letters of support as well as the help of the city planner. It will tax my organizational skills, but I am determined to get Delta on board with finding a cure for MS.
My dear friend Aero's daughter Diane is getting married and honoured me by asking me to help plan it with her. She will make a lovely bride and I hope I can justify her confidence in me. She has chosen to get married at
VanDusen Gardens one of the most beautiful garden spots in Vancouver and it is a fitting place for this beautiful bride.
My friend Ruth is coming back for the summer and I can hardly wait to talk politics and share concerns for her country as well as mine. Not to mention the laughs we are sure to have together.
As well, this summer I will be working with some great people in the NDP to plan several functions the most important of which is the Salmon Barbeque and with luck we will get Carole James out to it.
Of course topping the list of good things to come is my long time friend and sister Frances and her family. As the days go by I am getting more and more excited about not only meeting them, but being able to show Frances some of this beautiful province I live in.
Whew! such a lot of things happening. Thank goodness they are all good!