Fall came striding into BC yesterday bringing colder evenings and mornings, but still allowing us to enjoy those last warm rays of summer sun during the day. I took a ride out to the valley yesterday and spent some time down by the river with Lucy and my daughter. I love the fall, but it always comes with a touch of saddness as I realize that old man winter with his dark cold long days cannot be far behind. So I try to drink in all of it. The harvest moon that hangs so low in the sky at this time of the year and the beautiful colors of the trees as their leaves turn golden orange and brown and slowly drop off as they are caught in the winds we get at this time. I love to walk through the park and listen to the leaves crackle underfoot. I watch the squirrels as they scurry from place to place trying desperately to stay out of Lucy's way and still get on with the task of storing nuts for the long winter sleep. I don't want to let these days go. I want to hang on to summer and if I can't have summer then I want to hang on to fall. I am not ready for winter... my head and my heart are still longing for more lazy days in the sun. Alas, I know it is not to be so I, like the squirrels, try to gather all of my resources to help me make it through the long dark cold winter days.
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