It has been a crazy weather week. Come to think of it - it has been a just plain crazy week all the way, but the weather topped it all. This week we have seen snow and I mean SNOW - large fluffy flakes coming down. Then we have seen beautiful sunshine a couple of hours later only to wake up the next day to the sound of hail pounding on the windows. Yesterday was a mix of everything. In the morning
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Crazy Weather!
It has been a crazy weather week. Come to think of it - it has been a just plain crazy week all the way, but the weather topped it all. This week we have seen snow and I mean SNOW - large fluffy flakes coming down. Then we have seen beautiful sunshine a couple of hours later only to wake up the next day to the sound of hail pounding on the windows. Yesterday was a mix of everything. In the morning
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
2. Make the best of your circumstances. No one has everything, and everyone
has something of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is to
make the laughter outweigh the tears.
3. Don't take yourself too seriously. Don't think that somehow you should be
protected from misfortune that befalls other people.
4. You can't please everybody. Don't let criticism worry you.
5. Don't let your neighbor set your standards. Be yourself.
6. Do the things you enjoy doing but stay out of debt.
7. Never borrow trouble. Imaginary things are harder to bear than real
8. Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish jealousy, enmity, grudges.
Avoid people who make you unhappy.
9. Have many interests. If you can't travel, read about new places.
10. Don't hold post-mortems. Don't spend your time brooding over sorrows or
mistakes. Don't be one who never gets over things.
11. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.
12. Keep busy at something. A busy person never has time to be unhappy.
-Robert Louis Stevenson-
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Story For You
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Weekend Bonus!

I had a great Easter weekend. On Thursday night my daughter came home from Calgary for Easter. She has been a training course for the last three weeks. It was good to see her and we all went out for the evening. On Friday I had tickets to the Opera and it was lovely. The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra played and the Kitsilano women's and men's choir sang. I had never been to an opera and I found this to be very relaxing and beautiful.
On Saturday we went out as a family to the Fraser Heritage Park and had some fun walking the trails and then took Lucy for a swim at Kilby. On the way home we took $20.00 each and went to the sorry excuse that passes for a casino in Abbotsford Mission. The deal is nobody in our party spends more than their $20.00 and if they win the quit and share with the rest of us. I won $110.00 so everyone was very happy with me.
On Sunday I took my Aunt some flowers and spent a couple of hours with her. I then came home and helped my daughter get ready to fly back to Calgary this morning.
Today when I came home from taking Lucy out there was a message on my post from someone named Crazy Cath I had never heard from before. I followed the links to discover that Nervus Rex had awarded me the E for Excellence blog award I was so stunned that some one actually likes the stuff I throw up here when I have time. Thank you so much for that!
The Rules: By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you agree to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please award at least 10. You deserve this! Feel free to recognize blogs that have already received this award.
Drowsey Monkey
Faerie Kat
Great Minds Think Like Me
And because without Miss Lucy I would have little to blog about some days she got to choose some friends also:
Maggie & Mitch
The Zoo Crew
Ambers Diary
Fred Follies
I hope that everyone had a great Easter and got to spend it with people they love.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Make a Wish Meme
The Rules
1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart's desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture:

5. Tag as many people as you like so that there can be wishing stars all across the Blogosphere and ask them to please link back to me so that I can see what wishes others have made and share those wishes with others.
So, here's my wish:

A Stellarlife
Great Minds Think Like Me
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Catz YOUYOU tag Challenge
The Catz YOUYOU tag………
1…when you have to get a perm for your fuzzy orange head,,
do you go to the hair saloon or just put your finger in a
light socket?...
First - I no longer have orange hair- maybe you should be checking out some of my more recent pictures OR quit wearing those Martian sunglasses they don't suit you any way!
Second - I NEVER get a perm. That must be some other old lady's blog you are thinking about!
2…when you paint your toenails bright pink,, what type of
Cheetos corn puffs do you use to keep your toes apart,,
crunchy or regular?...
I AM CANADIAN! I do not use Cheetos to keep my toes apart I use little tiny fish called eulchons. Their little tails flapping helps create a breeze that makes the polish dry faster. If you would like to try it I could send you some.
3…how many Canadian loonies can you put up your nose?...
I never shove loonies up my nose, but if your retailers don't quit cheating me on those loonies every time I come to your country I may shove a few of them... well I shan't say ... after all I am a lady you know.
4…how many liters of hot wax does it take to remove the hair
from your legs?...
Again... why would I take all that natural warm furry stuff off my legs in the middle of a Canadian winter??
5…how many frozen cat fillets are in your freezer right now?...
Alas ... I am all out of cat fillets as it is not the season for them and good cat is hard to find and keep these days. You should know that.
6…how many chocolate éclairs have you eaten at one time?...
8?,, 12?,, 20?,, over 50?...
Ooohhh now you have me... I must confess 50 doesn't even get close!
7…have you stopped saving your earwax in masons jars?...
Why would I stop saving my earwax in a mason jar? What ever would I use to make candles with next winter?
8…what is the square root of PI ?...
You crazy Yanks - what will you think of next - Pies arn't square they are round everyone knows that. Unless of course your President has made a law declaring round pies too high a security risk now.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Heather Mills gets 48 Million

I don't usually weigh in on these kind of topics as I think that the whole star break-up crack-up scene is obscene. It really is about people with more money than character as a rule. In this case I think that Heather Mills is a vindictive money grubbing hag. If I were him I would consider it money well spent to be rid of her. And for everyone's sake I hope that we have seen the last of her too.
Now go ahead and ask me how I really feel.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patty's Day!
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
This post is a little for me because I am Irish (yes I confess I am) and lot for GT281. I could think of nothing better to send him as a get well card than this. I know that where ever he is he will feel so much better for having seen this and being given plenty of ammunition for when he is able to torment me again! So here you go GT281 and I hope you feel better and don't bust a stitch laughing!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Weeks End Update!
This weekend I played with Lucy and my daughter. We went to the beach in the late afternoon yesterday and let Miss Lucy start her fishing season.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Golden Sunset Over Vancouver
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
No Dogs Off Leash; Feel Free To Have Sex!
Amsterdam has legalized public sex in Vondel park one of the city's most famous parks, but promised to clamp down on dog owners who let their pets walk there without a leash. The park has over ten million visitors a year and I think with this announcement the crowds just might double. That will be a lot of friggin in that grass so I doubt there will be much room for doggie doo.
I can just hear the family chit chat on Saturday night.... "Anka it is supposed to be a lovely warm day tomorrow I think we should take the kids to the park for a Sunday family picnic... what do you think dear? "Why Hans what a wonderful idea lets get there early so little Elsa can see a little foreplay." "I just hope those dirty little dogs aren't running around scaring her this time."
The world has become a very strange place.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
International Women's Day
Some times I feel that women have really made great strides from when I was a young women struggling to feed and clothe myself, however when I see how few women are able to get elected in our country and how the media still treats women in positions of power differently than men I wonder if this battle will ever end. Not until we have an equal number of women in positions of power making decisions and helping to craft laws of justice will we be able to say we are equal.
For all the women around the world today who are marching in solidarity with your sisters around the world I urge you to teach your family, your community and your country to treat you as your deserve to be treated. Until we insist on equality in all areas of our lives it will not happen. We need first to know, understand and treat ourselves as worthy. I urge my fellow sisters to stand tall today and treat yourself as the most important person in your world.
"The day will come when men will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Then, and not until then, will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal union between the sexes that shall result in the highest development of the race."
—Susan B. Anthony
Thursday, March 06, 2008
The Eagle
Banning Trans Fats ?
I think we are going too far. When is it right for our government to decide what I can and can not eat. I understand that obesity is a real problem for our own health and for our over burdened health care system. I also agree that we need to make sure that our schools offer health foods to our children, but where does it stop? Do they get to come into your house and ban you from eating a bacon and egg sandwich with a large slice of Canadian Cheddar? Will we be forced to stand in the cold and wet behind a tree to pig out on a burger and fries when we have a bad day? Will they stop our grocery carts at the store and check for contraband?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Happy Birthday Hula Hoop!

I can still remember having hula hoop contests with my friends and family when I was a kid. I could spin the hoop for hours with out getting tired of it. Today I still own one with full intentions of using it for exercise purposes (yeah sure). It sits in a corner of my living room looking lonely. I think it was one of the greatest toys they ever made so I am not surprised that it's popularity has lasted all these years.
Did you know:
- Japan once banned the hula hoop because the rotating hip action seems indecent.
- On June 4, 2005, Australian Kareena Oates set a Guinness world record for hula hooping - with 100 hoops for three full revolutions.
- 101 hoops were spun by Alesya Goulevich of Belarus on June 11, 2006
- 105 hoops were spun by Jin Linlin of China on October 28, 2007.
- The world record for the largest Hula Hoop (by circumference) spun was set by American Ashrita Furman at 51.5 feet on June 1, 2007.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Sunset At Crescent Beach

I have no answers - do you?