Then - just today, I discovered that Sumi, Miga & Quatchi got to travel across Canada with a few athletes to promote the 2010 Olympics that are coming to Whistler. You will remember these characters from my previous post in November 2010 Mascots. You will remember that Muk Muk was the mascots official side kick and I could not find a picture of him anywhere. Well poor Muk Muk apparently didn't get the chance to go along on this trip either. Now I am beginning to think that Muk Muk is more like the poor relation. You know sort of like all those homeless people we have under our bridges in our parks and in door ways on pieces of cardboard. He exists, but no one really wants to see him. It is the highlight or low light depending on what you think of Robbie Burns. (Nasty man thrown out of Ireland and became a saint in Scotland hurmph nuf said!) Complete with deep fried haggis wonton and haggis dim sum! Toddish McWong has been putting this dinner on for ten years now! It started with a few friends and has grown to be a highly promoted and paid event.
Missed it in Vancouver, catch the 2nd annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy - Seattle on February 24th! Toddish McWong has branched out to emcee the second annual event in Seattle.