2010 Mascots?
Here they are Miga the Sea Bear, Quatchi the Sasquatch and Sumi the Thunderbird the new mascots for the 2010 Olympics. Miga is supposed to be a combination of an orca and a sea otter. Quatchi the Sasquatch... well he is supposed to be a Sasquatch. Something one or two people in this province claim to have seen usually after a night at the local bar. Sumi is supposed to be an animal guardian spirit?! They are not what I was expecting and hoping for. There was a rumor that the Spirit Bear or Kermode Bear, a rare white bear found in the central coast of our province that is almost extinct, would be the mascot and I was thinking how great that would be. It would not only be a wonderful souvenir it could also educate people as well. Instead we have these guys and I am not really sure I am into it. I am sure that they will appeal to kids and if the ultimate goal and final decision was to make money then this may be the way. However I would have liked visitors to our province to take away some of the flavor of who we are and what we are all about. I don't think this does it. What do you think?
Ooops! Now how did I forget - there is also Mukmuk who is ???? a mascot wanna be? Apparently he won't be showing up much (ya think! I couldn't find a picture of him) he is the first official sidekick for mascots?!?!? Now isn't that clever? I think.
Well, I think they are super cute. if that is what they were going for than they suceeded. But they certainly aren't serious mascots. I liked the bear idea myself.Any time you get the chance to educate the wider world about a rare animal, I say go for it!
ReplyDeleteThe 2010 Olympics are supposed to show case our province and I don't think that these do. I don't think it represents what we are about here.
ReplyDeleteI love the bear idea! Maybe they will come to their senses by 2010.
ReplyDeleteLorelei, don't count on it. They are billions of dollars in debt in over runs on the convention center and we have more people living on the streets here than some third world countries. As well despite the a fact that we live in one of the highest earning provinces we have the highest rate of child poverty any place in the country. So... what face are we going to show to the world in 2010?